What does Lutheran Church believe?

  • In accordance with the ELCA, Lutheran Church of the Cross confesses the Triune God- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. We rely upon the Bible, the Creeds (Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian) and the confessional writings in the Book of Concord as the foundation of our teaching and preaching. We believe that God’s love is for all the beloved creation and trust that God will guide us to share God’s love through service, worship, and acts of compassion.

I’m not lutheran - would i still be welcome?

  • Absolutely! Many of our members have been raised in different denominations. Whether you are a cradle Lutheran or have never stepped foot in a church before, you are welcome here. Our minister would be happy to discuss any questions you may have.

  • Lutheran Church of the Cross is a “come as you are” church. We recognize that Jesus is perfect, however, we are not. We believe that with God, healing and growth are possible. We also believe that we were created to be in community. Wherever you find yourself today, hurting, struggling, stuck or joyful and hopeful- there is a place for you at Lutheran Church of the Cross. You are welcome here.

What is your worship like and what should i wear?

  • At Lutheran Church of the Cross, meaningful worship is central to our community. Each Sunday, you can expect to sing, hear the word of God, and partake of communion. Our messages are firmly grounded in the Biblical text, while offering insight for life in the 21st century.

  • Please feel free to wear whatever makes you comfortable.  If you would like to dress up- please do so.  If you would like to wear jeans, sweatpants, shorts, or flip flops- please do so.  At Lutheran Church of the Cross, we care about YOU, not what you wear.  You are welcome here.

i have children can i still attend?

  • Children are especially welcome among us in worship! In fact, we encourage the multi-generational environment that worship allows. So if your child makes a little noise, it won't bother us! If, however, you'd be more comfortable taking them out for a break, please feel free to use the gathering space or the nursery, which is staffed by caregivers during Sunday worship. Due to heath concerns related to Covid- the nursery is not currently available.

who can take communion?

  • Everyone is invited to come up as we celebrate the Lord’s supper using intinction, dipping the bread into wine -or grape juice with a gluten free wafer option available. We can also provide this in the home, at the bedside of an ill or home-bound individuals.

  • In accordance with the ELCA, at Lutheran Church of the Cross, we believe that the Table of Grace is Christ’s table and open to all the beloved community. At Christ’s invitation, all are welcome to partake of communion. (Children are invited to commune at the discretion of their parents). Due to Covid, we are currently taking communion in our pews utilizing individual communion sets.